A snow avalanche hit Washich village in Torkhow valley of Upper Chitral the other night. Rain had lashed the pasture for three days and caused the huge mass of snow to come down. However, there was no casualty.
Qazi Inayat, a villager, reported by phone that the Chitral snow avalanche passed through the deep stream of Washich village. It was so intense that it crossed the Chitral River to Zang Lusht village on the other side.
He said it did not cause any damage to life or homes and agricultural lands. All of the debris drained through the stream.
Mr Inayat said the avalanche debris had filled the stream to its capacity. As a result the village faces a high risk of being overrun by another avalanche of even small mass. This is a concern during the current week as the melting process was very slow.
The village is highly prone to snow avalanches as steep mountains and ridges stand close to the upper belt of the village.
Published in Dawn, Friday, March 19th, 2021