A new avalanche safety initiative started in Alberta is looking to prepare backcountry explorers for the unthinkable.

The founders of the Backcountry Safe are drawing from their own tragic story of surviving an avalanche in 2016.

“Upon reflection, over the last couple of years every member of our group has come to realize that we had a shared responsibility,” Sheila Churchill, avalanche survivor and Backcountry Safe co-founder, said.

“There were lessons that we have learned that we need to share with the greater public about safe travel in the backcountry.”

They say having experience and confidence just aren’t enough to prevent a tragedy.

“Obviously we thought we would be fine too,” Churchill said.

“We thought this would never happen to us. We thought we had done our due diligence, but the reality is the mountains don’t care.”

Co-founder Mitch Putnam said an incident during the group’s ski trip continues to leave each of the members with heavy hearts as well as scars.

“There’s no doubt it was very tragic,” Putnam said. “We lost a dear friend and Sheila’s husband Doug Churchill passed away as a result of the tragedy and we had multiple injuries within our group.”

Putnam said hiring a guide is not where the preparation should end.

“We did not come as prepared as we should have been individually,” Putnam admitted. “We checked out mentally and left everything to the guide, which was a mistake.”

Backcountry lessons

The initiative groups learned lessons into main themes:

Know yourself and your group. Plan your day. Know what to do in an emergency.

“How are you communicating and making decisions?” Putnam said. “That’s a really interesting piece for anyone heading into the backcountry or undertaking any outdoor adventure.”

“We know that the stories are there and that is where we will learn as a community,” Churchill said. “By sharing these stories together and keeping everyone safe.”

A documentary on their harrowing experience is included on the Backcountry Safe website.

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