A Japanese man removing snow from a roof triggered a rather large roof avalanche. A video caught the worker in Akita, Japan, poking a large amount of snow on a building’s roof with an extended pole. After a few moments, a huge roof avalanche crashes down. Leaving a debris pile that is almost as tall as the building itself.

The video clip begins with a group of men standing outside a warehouse. One of them attempts to get the snow off the roof by using a long pole.

The man attempted to bring down the snow several times. But it seemed as if the snow was not going to move. Then eventually the snow decided it’s had enough.

The clip on YouTube has received over 110,000 views. Amused users sympathize with the man. One wrote: ‘Men all around the world are watching this and thinking, “Wow, that was a bad idea. Yes, I would have done it too”.’ Another one replied: ‘Pray the insurance company never sees that.’

It’s all fun and games as long as nobody is injured. But it should be noted that there are fatal roof avalanches every year. So be careful out there!

A roof avalanche, not the same as in video
Example of a roof avalanche

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