These are the last 10 entries from the RSS Avalanche Accidents feed on Links go to that site, membership may be required.

  • Due to insufficent resources we are not updating the RSS feed with each incident added to our archives. As of February 1 we have 15 avalanche reports which include 19 fatalities, globally. The US has had 5 fatal incidents with 8 deaths, all recreational. Canada has had one fatal incident. The remainder are from other countries and involve villages, roads, mining and other non-recreational activities.
  • Graphs of last seasons fatal incidents are now available – by season (last 10), by state, by number buried, by activity, and more.
  • Members of have complete access to a database of over 1900 avalanche incidents. They can read any of the archived report files and can execute extensive searching and sorting of the database entries. Join today!
  • Graphs of last seasons fatal incidents are now available – by season (last 10), by state, by number buried, by activity, and more.
  • A group of six skiers was grouped together in a starting zone when it avalanched. Four people were partly or totally buried and one died. Most or all had recently completed an AIARE safety course.

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